When I was an undergraduate anatomy student at the university, my professors mocked my faith in Christ by making me look like I lacked the ability to make an anatomically intelligent argument simply because I'm a believer in Christ. They asked me questions that were sometimes related to the course and most times clearly unrelated to anatomy. For instance, on one occasion, one of my professors asked me to stand up and when I did, he asked, "Will the pope go to hell?" I asked him how that was related to the course we were studying. He shouted that I must answer the question. When I did, there was an uproar in the class and while the commotion was going on, the professor quietly sneaked out of the class. I was left alone to square it out with my classmates. Had I had a copy of the book Facing Intellectual Giants by Dan Chimere-Dan which is now available in online bookshops such as www.amazon.com, www.amazon.co.uk, www.booktopia.com.au, www.powells.com, www.nbcindia.com, www.diesel-ebooks.com, www.bn.com, www.infin.com, www.ebooks.com, www.bookad.com, and many more, I could have represented Christ with greater clarity.
If you are a high school or university student, get your copy today and read it and you will no longer be naive before your non Christian professors who seek to use your intellectual immaturity to discredit your faith in Christ and the unchangeable truths of God's word.
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